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« Casey's Tech Talk at Google -- Changing China One Loan at a Time | Main | From the Cultural Revolution to Wokai: My Microfinance Journey »

January 16, 2009


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Awesome media coverage! Congrats to Leslie, Casey, Seattle chapter reps, all...

You should send this coverage out to the chapters!


"slightly pejorative word"??? How many ignorant foreigners are going to perpetuate this idea?? It's absolutely not pejorative, but "laowai" fresh off the boat always think it is because that is the word Chinese use to talk about laowai, and laowai assume Chinese are not saying good things. "Laowai" is a term of respect -- get it straight!!!

Leslie Forman

Jess, thank you so much for your kind words! I can't tell you how much we appreciate your support.

Laowai, thanks for the clarification. I've lived in China for a year and a half but I fully admit that my Chinese is subpar. I'll correct it in the blog post, and use this word with pride!

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